Best Integrated Farming System Model

The benefit of Integrated Duck-cum-Fish Farming:
1. The water surface of ponds can be put into full utilization by duck raising.
2. Fish ponds provide an excellent environment to ducks which prevents them from infection of parasites.
3. Ducks feed on predators and help the fingerlings to grow.
4. Duck raising in fish ponds reduces the demand for protein to 2 – 3 % in duck feeds.
5. Duck droppings go directly into the water providing essential nutrients to increase the biomass of natural food organisms.
6. The daily waste of duck feed (about 20 – 30 gm/duck) serves as fish feed in ponds or as manure, resulting in higher fish yield.
7. Manuring is conducted by ducks and homogeneously distributed without any heaping of duck droppings.
8. By virtue of the digging action of ducks in search of benthos, the nutritional elements of soil get diffused in water and promote plankton production.
9. Ducks serve as bio aerators as they swim, play, and chase in the pond. This disturbance to the surface of the pond facilitates aeration.
10. The feed efficiency and body weight of ducks increase and the spilled feeds could be utilized by fish.
11. Survival of ducks raised in fish ponds increases by 3.5 % due to the clean environment of fish ponds.
12. Duck droppings and the leftover feed of each duck can increase the output of fish to 37.5 Kg/ha.
13. Ducks keep aquatic plants in check.
14. No additional land is required for duckery activities.
15. It results in high production of fish, duck eggs and duck

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