Maize Hydroponic Fodder: A Boon for Farmers and the Environment

Maize hydroponic fodder is emerging as a revolutionary solution for farmers, offering numerous benefits for both agricultural sustainability and livestock management. We had the pleasure of visiting the Abhinav Farmers Club in Pune, Maharashtra, where we witnessed firsthand how this innovative farming method is transforming the lives of farmers. Led by the visionary Sri Dnyaneshwar Bodke, the club is spearheading efforts to promote maize hydroponics fodder as a sustainable alternative to traditional feed methods. During the visit, he demonstrated how farmers can easily produce this nutritious feed at home, helping them save significantly on the costs of purchasing cattle feed.

In this blog, we’ll explore how maize hydroponics fodder is benefiting farmers, reducing their reliance on external markets for fodder, and contributing to environmental sustainability. With easy-to-follow steps and practical advice, we aim to inspire farmers to adopt maize hydroponics fodder and enhance the productivity of their farms.

What is Maize Hydroponic Fodder?

Maize hydroponic fodder is grown without soil, using only water to germinate and cultivate maize seeds. The process involves sprouting maize seeds in controlled conditions, typically in perforated trays that allow water to drain. Over the course of a few days, the seeds grow into nutritious green fodder, which can be fed directly to cattle.

One of the standout benefits of maize hydroponics fodder is its efficiency. By soaking just 1 kg of maize seeds, farmers can produce around 10 kg of fodder within a short time, making it a highly productive and cost-effective alternative to traditional fodder methods. This technique drastically reduces the input costs and labor required for cattle feed while providing a rich source of nutrients.

How Maize Hydroponic Fodder Works:

Sri Dnyaneshwar Bodke explained the entire process of producing maize hydroponic fodder, demonstrating how it can be done at home with minimal resources. Here’s a breakdown of the step-by-step process:

  1. Soaking the Seeds:
    The first step involves soaking maize seeds in water for 24 hours, depending on the type of seeds and the local climate conditions. This helps in initiating the germination process. The soaking period can be adjusted according to the climate, as warmer conditions may require less soaking time.
  2. Germination:
    After soaking, the seeds are placed in a gunny bag for about 1 day to allow germination. This step is crucial as it prepares the seeds for optimal growth in the hydroponic system.
  3. Placement on Perforated Trays:
    Once the seeds have sprouted, they are transferred to perforated trays. These trays allow excess water to drain out, ensuring that the seeds do not become waterlogged. The trays should be placed in a shaded area or under a shade net to protect the seeds from direct sunlight and maintain a controlled environment.
  4. Watering with Fogger:
    Water is periodically sprinkled over the trays using a fogger or spray system. This keeps the growing seeds hydrated without saturating them. The use of a fogger is highly efficient, as it reduces water usage while providing just enough moisture for the fodder to grow.
  5. Growth Period:
    Within 7 to 10 days, the maize seeds will have grown into green, nutritious fodder. By soaking 1 kg of maize seeds, farmers can yield approximately 10 kg of fodder at this time. This quick turnaround makes maize hydroponics fodder a highly appealing option for farmers looking to cut costs and maximize productivity.

Cost Benefits of Maize Hydroponics Fodder:

One of the key reasons maize hydroponics fodder is being hailed as a boon for farmers is its cost-effectiveness. In traditional feed systems, farmers often have to spend large sums of money on buying fodder or feed from the market. These costs add up over time, significantly increasing the overall expenses of running a farm.

By adopting maize hydroponics fodder, farmers can drastically reduce their costs. Here’s a quick comparison of the costs involved:

  • Cost of 1 kg of maize seeds: Rs. 18 to Rs. 20
  • Fodder yield from 1 kg of maize seeds: 10 kg
  • Cost per kg of fodder: Rs. 2

This means that for just Rs. 18 to Rs. 20, a farmer can produce 10 kg of high-quality fodder. In comparison, buying the same amount of fodder from the market would be much more expensive. Over time, this cost savings can make a significant difference in the overall profitability of a farm.

Environmental Benefits of Maize Hydroponic Fodder:

In addition to the economic advantages, maize hydroponic fodder is also an environmentally sustainable solution. Traditional fodder production often requires large amounts of land and water, contributing to deforestation, soil degradation, and water scarcity. Maize hydroponics, on the other hand, requires very little space and uses water efficiently.

The perforated trays used in the hydroponic system allow excess water to drain, reducing water wastage. The water that is used can be recycled and reused, making it a highly water-efficient method of fodder production. This is particularly important in regions facing water shortages, where every drop counts.

Moreover, because maize hydroponic fodder can be grown without soil, it eliminates the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, further reducing the environmental impact. By adopting this method, farmers can contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly approach to agriculture.

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Enhancing Milk Production and Livestock Health:

Maize hydroponic fodder is not only cost-effective but also highly nutritious. It is rich in essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals, making it an ideal feed for livestock. Cattle fed with hydroponically grown maize fodder have been shown to produce higher milk yields, as the quality of their feed directly impacts their health and productivity.

By providing their livestock with fresh, nutrient-dense fodder, farmers can enhance the overall health and well-being of their animals. Healthier cattle are more productive, leading to increased milk production and improved profitability for farmers.

Why Farmers Should Adopt Maize Hydroponic Fodder:

Maize hydroponic fodder offers a range of benefits that make it a valuable addition to any farm. Here are some key reasons why farmers should consider adopting this innovative method:

  1. Cost savings: Significantly reduces the cost of purchasing feed from the market.
  2. High yield: Produces 10 kg of fodder from just 1 kg of maize seeds.
  3. Environmentally sustainable: Uses water efficiently and eliminates the need for soil, fertilizers, and pesticides.
  4. Improved livestock health: Provides a rich source of nutrients that enhance livestock health and productivity.
  5. Easy to implement: Can be done at home with minimal equipment and resources.


Maize hydroponic fodder is truly a boon for farmers and the environment. By adopting this method, farmers can not only save money but also contribute to a more sustainable and efficient agricultural system. We encourage all farmers to explore the benefits of maize hydroponics fodder and consider incorporating it into their farming practices. The Abhinav Farmers Club, led by Sri Dnyaneshwar Bodke, is an excellent resource for those looking to get started, and their practical demonstrations show just how easy and rewarding this method can be.

By taking the step towards maize hydroponic fodder, farmers can boost their productivity, improve the health of their livestock, and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future for agriculture.

Author: Tapas Chandra Roy, Block Agriculture Officer, DA&FE, Govt. of Odisha. Documenting and disseminating success stories of farmers to inspire millions of farmers across India.

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