Solar Pump Subsidy – Soura Jalanidhi Scheme in Odisha

The Odisha State gets 300 clear sunny days with solar radiation of 5KW hour/Sqm/day. There is also ample scope for exploiting untapped groundwater potential. Marginalized (less than 1-hectare land holdings) farmers’ population happens to be the majority (90%) in Odisha. Many of the small and marginal farmers of Odisha usually cultivate vegetables in Kharif and … Read more

Lady Bird Beetle – Farmer’s Friend

Lady Bird Beetle: Lady Bird Beetle The Ladybird Beetle belongs to a family of Coccinellidae.Ladybird beetle is the natural enemy of many insects, especially aphids & other sap feeders.They lay their eggs directly in aphid and scale insect colonies in order to ensure their larvae have an immediate food source.A single ladybird beetle may eat … Read more

Best Agriculture Magazines in India

AGRICULTURE MAGAZINES: Best Agriculture Magazines in India In the agricultural world, the more information you can get,  the better. Thus, Agriculture magazines are very important because they keep you updated and provide you with in-depth and concise information, in a portable and readable form. Indian Horticulture: (semi-technical, bi-monthly magazine in English) It was started in 1956 to … Read more

Best Integrated Farming System Model

The benefit of Integrated Duck-cum-Fish Farming:1. The water surface of ponds can be put into full utilization by duck raising.2. Fish ponds provide an excellent environment to ducks which prevents them from infection of parasites.3. Ducks feed on predators and help the fingerlings to grow.4. Duck raising in fish ponds reduces the demand for protein … Read more